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Nearby Public Transport Routes

513 Eltham - Glenroy via Greensborough or Lower Plenty
Nearest stop:Bayview Rd/Plumpton Ave, 401 meters
From:Glenroy Railway Station/Hartington St
To:Eltham Railway Station/Main Rd
534 Glenroy to Coburg via Boundary Road, Sydney Road
Nearest stop:Cardinal Rd/Glenroy Rd, 405 meters
From:Glenroy Railway Station/Hartington St
To:Sydney Rd/Bell St
513 Eltham - Glenroy via Greensborough or Lower Plenty
Nearest stop:Kalang Rd/Plumpton Ave, 413 meters
From:Eltham Railway Station/Main Rd
To:Glenroy Railway Station/Hartington St
534 Glenroy to Coburg via Boundary Road, Sydney Road
Nearest stop:Northern Golf Club/Glenroy Rd, 434 meters
From:Sydney Rd/Bell St
To:Glenroy Railway Station/Hartington St
536 Gowrie - Glenroy via Gowrie Park
Nearest stop:Corpus Christi School/Melbourne Ave, 780 meters
From:Gowrie Railway Station/Sages Rd
To:Glenroy Railway Station/Hartington St
536 Gowrie - Glenroy via Gowrie Park
Nearest stop:Widford St/Melbourne Ave, 799 meters
From:Glenroy Railway Station/Hartington St
To:Gowrie Railway Station/Sages Rd

Nearby Public Transport Stops

Bayview Rd/Plumpton Ave (Bus)
Address:Bayview Rd / Plumpton Ave, Glenroy 3046
Distance:401 meters
Route:513 Eltham - Glenroy via Greensborough or Lower Plenty
Cardinal Rd/Glenroy Rd (Bus)
Address:Cardinal Rd / Glenroy Rd, Glenroy 3046
Distance:405 meters
Route:534 Glenroy to Coburg via Boundary Road, Sydney Road
Kalang Rd/Plumpton Ave (Bus)
Address:Kalang Rd / Plumpton Ave, Glenroy 3046
Distance:413 meters
Route:513 Eltham - Glenroy via Greensborough or Lower Plenty
Northern Golf Club/Glenroy Rd (Bus)
Address:Glenroy Rd, Glenroy 3046
Distance:434 meters
Route:534 Glenroy to Coburg via Boundary Road, Sydney Road
Corpus Christi School/Melbourne Ave (Bus)
Address:Widford St / Melbourne Ave, Glenroy 3046
Distance:780 meters
Route:536 Gowrie - Glenroy via Gowrie Park
534 Glenroy to Coburg via Boundary Road, Sydney Road
Widford St/Melbourne Ave (Bus)
Address:Widford St / Melbourne Ave, Glenroy 3046
Distance:799 meters
Route:536 Gowrie - Glenroy via Gowrie Park
534 Glenroy to Coburg via Boundary Road, Sydney Road

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