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Nearby Public Transport Routes

Route 333 - PrePay Only - City to Nth Bondi
Nearest stop:Campbell Pde near Hall St, Bondi Beach, 81 meters
From:Circular Quay Stand E, Sydney
To:Military Rd near Old South Head Rd, Vaucluse
Route 362 - Coogee to Bondi Beach
Nearest stop:Campbell Pde near Hall St, Bondi Beach, 81 meters
From:Arden St near Dolphin St, Coogee
To:Campbell Pde near Wairoa Av, Bondi Beach
Route 380 - City to North Bondi
Nearest stop:Campbell Pde near Hall St, Bondi Beach, 81 meters
From:Circular Quay Stand E, Sydney
To:Military Rd Terminus, Watsons Bay
Route 381 - Bondi Junction to North Bondi
Nearest stop:Campbell Pde near Hall St, Bondi Beach, 81 meters
From:Bondi Junction Interchange - Stand A, Bondi Junction
To:Campbell Pde Terminus, North Bondi
Route 681 - St. Clares College Waverley to South Head Cemetery
Nearest stop:Campbell Pde near Hall St, Bondi Beach, 81 meters
From:Carrington Rd near St Clares, Waverley
To:Old South Head Rd near South Head Cemetery, Vaucluse
Route 382 - Bondi Beach to Bondi Junction
Nearest stop:Campbell Pde opp Curlewis St, Bondi Beach, 105 meters
From:Campbell Pde opp Curlewis St, Bondi Beach
To:Bondi Junction Interchange (Set Down), Bondi Junction
Route 389 - City to North Bondi
Nearest stop:Glenayr Av near Curlewis St, Bondi Beach, 391 meters
From:Circular Quay Stand E, Sydney
To:Campbell Pde Terminus, North Bondi
Route 361 - Bondi Junction to South Bondi
Nearest stop:Bondi Rd opp Dudley St, Bondi Beach, 668 meters
From:Bondi Junction Interchange - Stand K, Bondi Junction
To:Sandridge St near Fletcher St, Bondi

Nearby Public Transport Stops

Campbell Pde near Hall St, Bondi Beach (Bus)
Distance:81 meters
Route:Route 333 - PrePay Only - City to Nth Bondi
Route 362 - Coogee to Bondi Beach
Route 380 - City to North Bondi
Route 381 - Bondi Junction to North Bondi
Route 681 - St. Clares College Waverley to South Head Cemetery
Campbell Pde opp Curlewis St, Bondi Beach (Bus)
Distance:105 meters
Route:Route 382 - Bondi Beach to Bondi Junction
Campbell Pde near Lamrock Av, Bondi Beach (Bus)
Distance:357 meters
Route:Route 362 - Coogee to Bondi Beach
Route 380 - City to North Bondi
Route 381 - Bondi Junction to North Bondi
Route 681 - St. Clares College Waverley to South Head Cemetery
Glenayr Av near Curlewis St, Bondi Beach (Bus)
Distance:391 meters
Route:Route 389 - City to North Bondi
Campbell Pde opp Queen Elizabeth Dr, Bondi Beach (Bus)
Distance:441 meters
Route:Route 380 - City to North Bondi
Route 381 - Bondi Junction to North Bondi
Route 681 - St. Clares College Waverley to South Head Cemetery
Bondi Rd opp Dudley St, Bondi Beach (Bus)
Distance:668 meters
Route:Route 361 - Bondi Junction to South Bondi
Route 362 - Coogee to Bondi Beach
Route 380 - City to North Bondi
Route 381 - Bondi Junction to North Bondi
Route 681 - St. Clares College Waverley to South Head Cemetery
Campbell Pde Terminus, North Bondi (Bus)
Distance:784 meters
Route:Route 333 - PrePay Only - City to Nth Bondi
Route 380 - City to North Bondi
Route 381 - Bondi Junction to North Bondi
Route 389 - City to North Bondi
Route 681 - St. Clares College Waverley to South Head Cemetery

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