Campbell Median PriceThe House price is 3% higher than last year. Surrounding suburbsCampbell Median RentThe House rent is 5% higher than last year.
| XPlannings near "8 Rankin Street, Campbell" |
| 08 Nov 2014 | SINGLE RESIDENTIAL-DEMOLITION-SECONDARY DWELLING-Proposed demolition of existing residence;Construction of a new single storey dwelling and a secondary residence. | | Distance: 14972 km | Map | Street view |
| 12 Sep 2014 | LEASE VARIATION- Please see application form for further details. | | Distance: 14971.4 km | Map | Street view |
| 24 Jun 2014 | LEASE VARIATION. Please see the application form for full Lease Variation details. | | Distance: 14970.7 km | Map | Street view |
| 20 Mar 2014 | COMMUNITY FACILITY-UNIT 2-ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS - OZANAM HOUSE. Proposed additions and alterations to existing 2 storey Aged Care Facility, including internal and external works. | | Distance: 14971.4 km | Map | Street view |
| 16 May 2013 | COMMERCIAL - ALTERATION. Proposed relocation of shopfront glazing and entry door. | | Distance: 14971.3 km | Map | Street view |
| 15 Nov 2012 | MULTI DWELLING - NEW 2ND RESIDENCE - Retain existing residence and add new residence with carport, drivway, deck and landscaping to the rear of the site. | | Distance: 14971.9 km | Map | Street view |
| 31 May 2012 | LEASE VARIATION. Please see the application form for full Lease Variation information. | | Distance: 14970.7 km | Map | Street view |
| 08 May 2012 | SINGLE RESIDENTIAL - ADDITION - ALTERATION. New master bedroom addition to the rear of the residence. Increase width of the existing carport and addition of new laundry to the side of the residence. Upper floor addition to the south-western side. | | Distance: 14971.6 km | Map | Street view |
| 31 Jan 2012 | COMMUNITY FACILITY-ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS-CAMPBELL COTTAGE CHILDCARE CENTRE. Proposal is for additions and alterations to the existing childcare centre and modifications to the existing driveway. | | Distance: 14971.2 km | Map | Street view |
| 04 Jun 2010 | RSL NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS - DESIGNATED LAND - LEASE VARIATION. To vary the Crown lease to permit residential use RESTRICTED to the first floor and above and LIMITED to a maximum gross floor area of 14,000 square metres | | Distance: 14970.7 km | Map | Street view |
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