Kalkallo Median PriceThe House price is 4% lower than last year. Surrounding suburbsKalkallo Median RentThe House rent is 6% higher than last year.
| XPlannings near "69 Bunting Crescent, Kalkallo" |
| Registered as Victorian heritage | | Distance: 14524.6 km | Map | Street view |
| Registered as Victorian heritage | | Distance: 14525.9 km | Map | Street view |
| Registered as Victorian heritage | | Distance: 14524.6 km | Map | Street view |
| Registered as Victorian heritage | | Distance: 14525.3 km | Map | Street view |
| Registered as Victorian heritage | | Distance: 14525.1 km | Map | Street view |
| 28 Oct 2016 | Consolidate two lots then re-subdivide with a small shift in the boundary between the two | | Distance: 14526 km | Map | Street view |
| 06 Jul 2017 | To create easements for retaining wall purposes | | Distance: 14525.6 km | Map | Street view |
| 13 Jul 2014 | Certification of a Plan under the Subdivision Act | | Distance: 14525.1 km | Map | Street view |
| 29 Jul 2014 | Erect and display of major promotional sign. | | Distance: 14524.5 km | Map | Street view |
| 19 Aug 2014 | Erection and display of advertising signage (internally illuminated pole sign) | | Distance: 14525.5 km | Map | Street view |
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