Cape Schanck Median PriceThe House price is 10% lower than last year. Surrounding suburbsCape Schanck Median RentThe House rent is 6% higher than last year.
| XPlannings near "37 Bass Vista Boulevard, Cape Schanck" |
| 10 Apr 2015 | Use and development of the land for a dwelling, vegetation removal, amending the section 173 agreement (w708069f) registered to the title of lot 1 of ps418658m and associated works generally in accordance with the submitted plans | | Distance: 14453.7 km | Map | Street view |
| 06 Feb 2015 | Develop shed, generally in accordance with the submitted plans. | | Distance: 14453.9 km | Map | Street view |
| 18 Dec 2014 | Removal of restrictive covenant created on ps537358k dated 13 december 2005 and applying to volume 10956 folio 500 (lot 1 on plan of subdivision 537358k) | | Distance: 14453.8 km | Map | Street view |
| 27 Nov 2014 | Vary easement E-1 on PS513646P to create E-3 on this plan and Reserves for United Energy Distributi | | Distance: 14454.9 km | Map | Street view |
| 10 Dec 2014 | Clubhouse redevelopment | | Distance: 14453.8 km | Map | Street view |
| 04 Dec 2014 | Realign boundaries in accordance with the submitted plans | | Distance: 14452.9 km | Map | Street view |
| 28 Oct 2014 | The development of dwelling additions and alterations in accordance with the submitted plans. | | Distance: 14453.6 km | Map | Street view |
| 18 Aug 2014 | Creation of Easement E-1 in favour of lots 2 and 5 on PS513646P | | Distance: 14455.3 km | Map | Street view |
| 14 Mar 2014 | Use and development of a dwelling, the creation of an access to a road zone category 1 and associated works generally in accordance with the submitted plans. | | Distance: 14454 km | Map | Street view |
| 24 May 2011 | Plans and supporting documents for the use and development of a micro-brewery, restaurant, function centre, primary produce sales, plant nursery, care takers house, general liquor license, advertising signage, vegetation trimming and associated works | | Distance: 14451.9 km | Map | Street view |
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