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Introduction to Land Slope
Generally speaking the bigger the slope of your land the greater the building cost. We were recently speaking to ProCorp (turnkey homes) who have a great reputation and they were estimating an average cost of $6,000 for every 1 metre of fall on the property. If the fall is sideways across the block then it is actually $9,000 for every 1 metre of fall.
If your block has an extremely steep slope then it is likely that the cheaper home building companies would not be able to build their homes on your land. You will then need a custom design and a custom builder.
We measure the slope of land with percentage. Simply divide the elevation change by the distance of the land, and categorize the slope into 4 types:
Nearly Level: Slope percentage is between 0% - 5%.
Gently Inclined: Slope percentage is between 5% - 10%. Most of the lands are in this category.
Moderately Inclined: Slope percentage is between 10% - 20%.
Steep: Slope percentage is between 20% - 25%. Need retaining wall, which costs tens of thousand dollars.
Very Steep: Slope percentage is above 25%. Difficult to build bouse on it.
So the land block of north-facing backyard and nearly level slope is the good choice.

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